We always find the best solution for our customers. That is because the companies in the Körber Group are united by the entrepreneurial spirit. Since 2020, we are communicating this message even more clearly, with a shared brand: Körber.
Entrepreneurship is our DNA. Entrepreneurs like Kurt A. Körber, who laid the foundation stone for the Körber Group in 1946. Entrepreneurs like Wulf Werum, who launched an IT startup in 1969, when nobody knew yet what an IT startup was. Or like Fabio Perini, who invented a paper-cutting machine in 1960 and in the following decades created an international market leader for the production of tissue paper on the basis of his first innovation.
The spirit of engineering and entrepreneurship that drove Körber, Werum, and Perini in the past unites all the companies in the Körber Group. What kind of value added do our customers receive? Where do we complement one another, and how can we work together to offer even better, more comprehensive products, solutions, and services? None of our founders was satisfied with the status quo; all of them continuously refined their ideas. This entrepreneurial spirit still unifies us within the Group today — Körber is the home for entrepreneurs.
Those who come to Körber will be thrilled
Körber is an international technology group with a strong local presence. We operate worldwide in the Business Areas Digital, Pharma, Supply Chain, and Technologies — always aiming to be customers’ first choice. We implement our ideas and innovations seamlessly, and we create measurable benefits. As we do so, we respond quickly to new needs. We build ecosystems with which our customers master their challenges.
And we want to make processes as simple as possible for our customers. If they are facing a challenge, we’ve got the solution. That is our promise. Those who come to Körber will be thrilled by Körber quality and Körber service. We communicate this message even more clearly in the future. That is why in 2020 we united our brands under one common brand: Körber.