General Purchasing Terms and Conditions for Services
Joint future-proof activities are the foundation of sustainable procurement. Körber, as a globally leading technology group, therefore places great value on the optimal purchasing of materials and services.
An integral part of Körber's corporate strategy and thus also of its procurement and supply chain philosophy is the cost- and resource-saving supply of materials and services. In order to secure Körber's competitiveness in the long term, quality, adherence to delivery dates, sustainability and innovative strength play a decisive role. Our global procurement network makes a significant contribution to the success of the company.
At Körber, the Procurement & Supply Chain Management organization is involved in all process steps and procurement procedures, from development and demand generation to demand processing. Within the Group, we are responsible for tailor-made supplier selection and precise project management. The targeted implementation of our standardized procurement strategy as part of our corporate strategy with clear focus areas, e.g. standardized supplier management, is of key importance to us. All activities are carried out in close cooperation with our interface partners and users such as development, production and service.
Our suppliers are at the center of our activities. Together with them, we want to help shape the future of Körber through innovation and sustainability.
If you are interested in working with us or have general questions for the Procurement and Supply Chain Management organization, please contact us at:
General Purchasing Terms and Conditions for Services
General Purchasing Terms and Conditions for Services
General Purchasing Terms and Conditions for Services
General Purchasing Terms and Conditions for Services
General Purchasing Terms and Conditions for Services
General Purchasing Terms and Conditions for Deliveries
General Purchasing Terms and Conditions for Deliveries
General Purchasing Terms and Conditions for Deliveries
General Purchasing Terms and Conditions for Deliveries
General Purchasing Terms and Conditions for Deliveries
As an integral part of our corporate strategy, the topic of sustainability is also of utmost importance for our procurement and the management of our supply chain. When selecting and evaluating suppliers, we pay attention to far more than just economical aspects. We also look at issues such as environmental protection, occupational health and safety, social standards, regulatory compliance and, above all, compliance with human rights.
We have based our responsible approach to sustainable supply chains on our declaration of principles on the human rights position, the protection of the environment, and our code of conduct for suppliers.
We require our suppliers to take a responsible and effective approach to sustainability and support everyone in living up to this mandate.
In all its activities, the Körber Group commits to its responsibility to honor and protect human rights. We expect the same from our suppliers. The Körber Supplier Code of Conduct is an integral part of all orders placed by the Körber Group and sets out the minimum standards for social aspects in our supply chain.
The acceptance of the Code of Conduct for Suppliers is a fundamental requirement for receiving orders from Körber Group companies. Our suppliers' compliance with human rights is regularly checked by means of self-assessments, audits and inquiries of independent external information providers.
Paving the way to a climate-neutral economy is a major, collective task. At Körber, we have set out to make an active contribution to this and have committed ourselves to the goal of becoming CO₂-neutral by 2025 and continuously reducing our carbon footprint.
In doing so, our suppliers play an essential role, especially with regard to our upstream Scope 3 emissions.
Integrity as the basis for cooperation in a spirit of partnership
The Körber Group is a globally active company and we work with many different partners worldwide. As the basis of all business relationships, Körber considers the integrity of every supplier to be indispensable.
The Körber Group "Code of Conduct for Suppliers and Business Partners" is based on group-wide binding requirements and processes to ensure that the specified environmental, compliance and labor standards are effectively implemented in all countries in which Körber operates.
In the event of violations of the Code of Conduct, we reserve the right to terminate the business relationship. If you have any questions, please contact your Körber contact person in Procurement & Supply Chain Management.
Our actions towards employees, business partners and the public are defined by integrity and responsible conduct.
Compliance violations or breaches of the Körber Code of Conduct are not to be tolerated.
Our grievance mechanism tool will give you the opportunity to report violations or specific indications of violations.