Creators, makers, pioneers

More than 12,000 employees, globally active and passionate about innovation — that is the way to achieve both market and technological leadership. We are Körber. Presenting our Group.

To overview

We are Körber

Körber is a leading international technology group that has more than 12,000 employees at over 100 locations worldwide. We are the home for entrepreneurs — we turn entrepreneurial thinking into customers success. Körber AG manages the Group and its four Business Areas: Digital, Pharma, Supply Chain and Technologies.


The Körber Insights shows the entire spectrum of the Körber world: We give our view of exciting developments and trends, as well as innovations and technologies. We also highlight personalities who drive Körber forward every day with their entrepreneurial spirit and new ideas.



We develop innovative products, solutions and services for a more sustainable tomorrow and introduce the people who make them possible. Find out more in our Sustainability Report 2023.

Online Sustainability Report 2023PDF Sustainability Report 2023

Körber pursues ambitious climate targets

In October 2023, we had the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) verify our commitment to achieving net-zero CO₂e emissions throughout the entire value chain by 2040. We would like to introduce you to some of the measures that will help us achieve this ambitious goal.

Group-wide standards for Ecodesign

We were able to advance our Ecodesign initiative decisively in 2023 after creating a group-wide standard for life cycle assessments (LCAs). Find out more about the first LCAs we implemented and the challenges we overcame.

Data and infrastructure protection

We aim to transform information security into a strategic objective and make it a shared concern for all employees. We provide an overview of the corresponding measures and projects in 2023.



Wanted: team players. The know-how, creativity, and dedication of our employees have made us a successful technology company in Germany and worldwide. Now we want to shape the future — with you! We offer exciting positions for experts, young professionals, university students, and high school students.

To CareerTo the Körber Group job market

"Modern leadership culture has a performance-enhancing effect"

A working climate that promotes innovation, diversity, and the courage to tell uncomfortable truths is more central than ever to a company's success today. In an interview, Gabriele Fanta, Head of Group Human Resources, explains how the new leadership principles at Körber specifically strengthen fruitful collaboration in everyday working life.

What comes after traineeship, Max?

Experience report: After graduating in mechatronics and mechanical engineering, Max Döring became a trainee at Körber. Today, he is Technical Product Manager at our Körber Business Area Pharma.

Procurement and Supply Chain Management

Procurement and Supply Chain Management

Joint future-proof activities are the foundation of sustainable procurement. Körber, as a globally leading technology group, therefore places great value on the optimal purchasing of materials and services.

To our Procurement and Supply Chain Management

Aerial view of two Toru robots moving between workers in a high-bay warehouse.


A network of innovations

You don’t have to invent everything yourself or alone: Körber is systematically expanding its ecosystem, joining investment funds, and investing in start-ups that are developing relevant future-oriented technologies for and with the Group.

In the future, Körber’s claim to market leadership through technology leadership will be based on three factors: the successful interaction between machines and production systems, the use of customized operational software, and the development of industrial IoT and digitization solutions. A crucial aspect of this strategy is a well-functioning, flexible ecosystem that the Körber Group is expanding and reinforcing for and with its customers.

Portrait photo of Hartmut Ruh, Leiter Corporate Development der Körber AG
Dr. Hartmut Ruh, Head of Corporate Development at Körber AG.

Dr. Hartmut Ruh, Head of Corporate ­Development at Körber, is well aware of the importance of such an ecosystem. That’s why he and his team are searching the market for partners, including start-ups, that would fit in well with the Group. “We want to learn about innovative and disruptive technologies and build up contacts with the teams that are developing them,” he says. “We’re doing this so that we can strategically invest in areas that are already important for us and our Business Areas or will certainly become important in the future. These areas include robotics, sensor technology, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.”

lWe want to learn about innovative and disruptive technologies. r

Dr. Hartmut Ruh, Head of Corporate Development at Körber AG

Start-ups are playing an important role in the construction of the Körber ecosystem. In the category of traditional acquisitions, the Group’s investments aim to completely take over a company and its technology from the very start. That has been the case with Connyun, for example. Körber bought this German start-up in 2018 and integrated it into its Business Area Körber Digital. “We immediately realized that Körber’s existing core expertise would be perfectly complemented by the expertise of the new team,” says Ruh.

By contrast, Körber’s equity investments in start-ups are primarily aimed at ensuring that both sides learn with and from each other very quickly and intensely. That way, each side offers what the other one is seeking. “Start-ups in particular give us access to new technologies, business models, and markets, as well as speed and new ideas,” says Ruh. “We contribute many years of valuable industrial and sector experience to our cooperation.”

A team meeting at the offices of IIoT software start-up Connyun
A perfect fit: The IIoT start-up Connyun joined Körber in 2018.

Many of the start-ups that Hartmut Ruh and his team are looking at have developed fascinating solutions but are not always relevant to Körber’s Business Areas at first glance. However, that can change quickly, because start-ups are very close to the market and rapidly adapt themselves to constantly changing requirements. One good example of that is the Munich-based robotics start-up Magazino, in which Körber has invested since the beginning of 2018. “When we first had Magazino on our radar years ago, they were still building commissioning robots for pharmacies,” Ruh explains. Today Magazino is supplying gigantic retailers such as Zalando and Fiege with intralogistics robots that move around in warehouses autonomously. It is also a strategic partner of the Group’s Business Area ­Logistics Systems.

A valuable future-oriented network

Last year Magazino received The Spark – The German Digital Prize for its new robotics operating system Acros. This cloud-based software enables robots to develop a “shared” intelligence inside a warehouse. The robots learn from the experiences of their “colleagues” and can react much faster and more appropriately in the network to unfamiliar and changing situations.

The example of Magazino illustrates the Körber Group’s investment strategy, whose main goal is to gain access to new technologies, solutions, and business models in this way. “Of course the expected long-term return is important for us, just as it is for a traditional venture capital investor,” Ruh explains. “So when we evaluate the investments that we make in close cooperation with our colleagues from the Business Areas, we look for companies or start-ups that have a clear unique selling point, a good management team, and sustainable market potential.”

Investors who want to get to know promising start-ups and find out about investment opportunities at the right moment need one thing most of all: the right contacts in the start-up scene. That’s why Körber has invested in funds such as the High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF) and, in 2018, the Next Logistics Accelerator (NLA). HTGF is the biggest venture capital investor in technology companies in Germany. NLA, which is more focused on specific areas, guided the first two groups of logistics start-ups through its six-month program last year. “Among other things, we are members of the Advisory Board of NLA, and so we’re getting to know the start-ups and their business models in detail at an early stage,” says Ruh. “We’re also supporting the start-ups in areas where we have a great deal of expertise.”

All of these processes are creating a valuable future-oriented network that is systematically reinforcing Körber’s innovative strength. Ruh is convinced that the key to future success lies in fast, flexible, and comprehensive ecosystems of this kind. The positive experiences he has had in his cooperation with start-ups encourage him to press ahead with this investment strategy and to make it even more international — an approach that also includes paying attention to Asia and North America.

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