- Continuous implementation of the energy efficiency measures identified in energy audits
- Energy optimization of core production processes
- Reduction of energy consumption MWh
Fiscal year 2021
Using a lot of green energy is better than using a lot of fossil energy. But of course it’s even better to reduce the overall energy consumption. We are examining all of our processes in order to use energy even more efficiently.
We want to reduce our overall electricity and gas consumption and improve our energy efficiency.
We at Körber can help reduce energy consumption in many areas, for example in our production and manufacturing processes and by raising our employees' awareness of energy-saving behavior in their daily work. In addition, we would also like to refurbish our existing buildings to improve their energy efficiency and design new buildings to be as climate-neutral as possible. We are therefore planning the continuous expansion and use of renewable energies as well as the certification of our buildings according to the DGNB (German Sustainable Building Council) and the international standard LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), taking into account the entire life cycle of a building. Our future real estate development measures will be based on the cradle-to-cradle principle.
In principle, all of our locations make sure to constantly optimize energy consumption. Some of them are making exceptional efforts in this regard. For example, we are pleased by the fact that our Hungarian colleagues at the site in Pécs received an award for their energy efficiency, and also by the energy-saving measures at our Lucca site. Here, solar thermal systems heat domestic water to optimize energy resources while reducing waste and costs at the same time. In Lucca, the analysis of the energy consumption of each building also led to a more efficient use of lighting and thus to a reduction of energy consumption. From 2019 to 2021, the Group's total energy consumption fell lightly. We have been successfully implementing energy efficiency projects since well before 2019 and are now increasingly reaching our limits in terms of savings potential. That is why we are intensifying our energy efficiency efforts regarding our core production processes.