We look at sustainability from a holistic and group-wide perspective. The importance we attach to this issue is also reflected in our internal organization.
At the Körber Group, sustainability is anchored in the Group Executive Board and is overseen by the responsible Group Executive Board Member. Through close dialog and interaction with our key stakeholders, the Group Executive Board takes their concerns about sustainability into account. The associated sustainability team is set up across Business Areas and functions and is managed by the Head of Sustainability of the Körber Group. We have specified a representative for sustainability in each Körber Business Area. In addition, for each focus field we have defined clear functional accountabilities and responsibilities for the Group and its Business Areas and for the implementation of the measures.
The core team, consisting of the representatives for sustainability in the Business Areas and the Head of Sustainability of the Körber Group, meets weekly to further develop and implement the sustainability strategy.
All of the measures are coordinated with the steering committee for sustainability. It comprises the Körber Group Executive Board, the CEOs of our Business Areas, and the Head of Sustainability of the Körber Group. Our Supervisory Board has the role of an independent reviewer. It is the Körber Group’s highest governance body. The focus field representatives and the representatives for sustainability of the respective Business Areas are responsible for implementing the measures.