Weimer Pharma GmbH is to be shut down - Körber AG is planning an orderly closure with social plan
From the perspective of Körber AG there are two main reasons for this development. On the one hand, when the company was acquired in the year 2009, there had been plans to enter the promising market for individual patient-ready medication systems. Unfortunately, however, for political reasons the operating conditions for this market were never established, despite the huge savings potential for the health sector, as well as significant simplification and enhanced safety for patients. Körber AG has committed many millions of euros to Weimer Pharma since 2009, and also covered its losses since 2009. However it did not prove possible, once the operating conditions had shifted, to put Weimer Pharma back in the black. On the other hand, intensive discussions with potential interested parties did not prove successful.
Within the framework of the orderly closure of the company, consultations will of course be held with customers and suppliers.