Creators, makers, pioneers

Around 13,000 employees, globally active and passionate about innovation — that is the way to achieve both market and technological leadership. We are Körber. Presenting our Group.

To overview

We are Körber

Körber is a leading international technology group that has around 13,000 employees at over 100 locations worldwide. We are the home for entrepreneurs — we turn entrepreneurial thinking into customers success. Körber AG manages the Group and its four Business Areas: Digital, Pharma, Supply Chain and Technologies.


The Körber Insights shows the entire spectrum of the Körber world: We give our view of exciting developments and trends, as well as innovations and technologies. We also highlight personalities who drive Körber forward every day with their entrepreneurial spirit and new ideas.



We develop innovative products, solutions and services for a more sustainable tomorrow and introduce the people who make them possible. Find out more in our Sustainability Report 2023.

Online Sustainability Report 2023PDF Sustainability Report 2023

Körber pursues ambitious climate targets

In October 2023, we had the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) verify our commitment to achieving net-zero CO₂e emissions throughout the entire value chain by 2040. We would like to introduce you to some of the measures that will help us achieve this ambitious goal.

Group-wide standards for Ecodesign

We were able to advance our Ecodesign initiative decisively in 2023 after creating a group-wide standard for life cycle assessments (LCAs). Find out more about the first LCAs we implemented and the challenges we overcame.

Data and infrastructure protection

We aim to transform information security into a strategic objective and make it a shared concern for all employees. We provide an overview of the corresponding measures and projects in 2023.



Wanted: team players. The know-how, creativity, and dedication of our employees have made us a successful technology company in Germany and worldwide. Now we want to shape the future — with you! We offer exciting positions for experts, young professionals, university students, and high school students.

To CareerTo the Körber Group job market

"Modern leadership culture has a performance-enhancing effect"

A working climate that promotes innovation, diversity, and the courage to tell uncomfortable truths is more central than ever to a company's success today. In an interview, Gabriele Fanta, Head of Group Human Resources, explains how the new leadership principles at Körber specifically strengthen fruitful collaboration in everyday working life.

What comes after traineeship, Max?

Experience report: After graduating in mechatronics and mechanical engineering, Max Döring became a trainee at Körber. Today, he is Technical Product Manager at our Körber Business Area Pharma.

Procurement and Supply Chain Management

Procurement and Supply Chain Management

Joint future-proof activities are the foundation of sustainable procurement. Körber, as a globally leading technology group, therefore places great value on the optimal purchasing of materials and services.

To our Procurement and Supply Chain Management


Körber Subsidiary United Grinding Group AG plans joint venture for additive process with inspire AG

The joint venture, named “Irpd AG”, with headquarters in St. Gallen (Switzerland) concentrates on the manufacture of industrial metal or plastic prototypes up to the production of small series of complex work pieces. As a result, the joint venture focuses on innovative production processes, in particular on Selective Laser Sintering (SLS), Selective Laser Melting (SLM) and 3D printing. With this joint venture, the United Grinding Group expands its competence outside the Körber Group’s Business Area of tool machines with future-oriented additive production processes and laser-based production technology.

inspire AG brings parts of its own center of excellence, inspire IRPD (inspire Institute for Rapid Product Development), to the joint venture. By working with United Grinding, inspire IRPD gets a knowledgeable partner to work with on further developing and professionalizing production processes. "As one of the world’s leading providers in hard finishing, we are the ideal partner for inspire IRPD with our experience in standardized production and knowledgeable customer approach," confirms Stephan Nell, CEO of United Grinding Group AG. "The company offers extensive expertise in future-oriented production techniques which we would like to jointly develop on the basis of our experience in industrial series production."

"We are pleased to be able to further expand our activities in this important, future-oriented field together with inspire IRPD, an institute with excellent technological expertise," confirms Richard Bauer, CEO of the Körber Group. "Additive production processes are of strategically high relevance for us as an innovative technology group."

inspire AG welcomes the opportunity for cooperation: "We see United Grinding Group as the best partner for unlocking the excellent development potential of the joint venture with its experience in professional production processes and its international market access," says Dr. Jürg Krebser, Chairman of the management board of inspire AG. "We are enthusiastic in particular about the solid positioning and the long-term focus for this cooperation."

The location will remain the campus of inspire IRPD in St. Gallen on the grounds of the Swiss Federal Laboratory for Materials Testing (EMPA). This will facilitate among other things the continuation of the knowledge transfer and the exchange of experiences in the area of material research between the centers of excellence.

<LINK file:1119 - "download">Press release on 5.4.2015(pdf):</link>

[Translate to English:]

 Das Joint Venture mit dem Namen Irpd AG mit Sitz in St. Gallen (Schweiz) konzentriert sich auf die Herstellung von industriellen Metall- oder Kunststoff-Prototypen bis hin zur Fertigung von Kleinserien komplexer Werkstücke. Dabei fokussiert sich das Joint Venture auf innovative Fertigungsverfahren, insbesondere auf Selective Laser Sintering (SLS), Selective Laser Melting (SLM) und 3D-Druck. Durch das Joint Venture erweitert die United Grinding Group aus dem Geschäftsfeld Werkzeugmaschinen des Körber-Konzerns ihre Kompetenzen bei zukunftsweisenden additiven Fertigungsverfahren und laserbasierter Fertigungstechnik.

Die inspire AG bringt Teile seines eigenständigen Kompetenzzentrums inspire IRPD (inspire Institute for Rapid Product Development) in das Joint Venture ein. Für die Fertigung von Kleinserien bekommt das inspire IRPD mit United Grinding einen kompetenten Partner, um Produktionsabläufe weiterzuentwickeln und zu professionalisieren. „Als weltweit führender Anbieter in der Hartfeinbearbeitung sind wir mit unserer Erfahrung in der standardisierten Produktion sowie der kompetenten Kundenansprache ein idealer Partner für inspire IRPD“, bestätigt Stephan Nell, CEO der United Grinding Group AG. „Das Unternehmen verfügt über umfassende Kompetenz in zukunftsweisenden Produktionstechniken, die wir basierend auf unserer Erfahrung in der industriellen Serienproduktion gemeinsam weiterentwickeln wollen.“

„Wir freuen uns, gemeinsam mit inspire IRPD ‑ einem Institut mit hervorragenden technologischen Kompetenzen ‑ unsere Aktivitäten in diesem wichtigen Zukunftsfeld weiter ausbauen zu können“, bestätigt der Vorstandsvorsitzende des Körber-Konzerns, Richard Bauer. „Additive Fertigungsverfahren sind für uns als innovativem Technologiekonzern strategisch von hoher Relevanz.“ &nbsp; Die inspire AG begrüßt die Zusammenarbeit: „Wir sehen in der United Grinding Group den besten Partner, der dem Joint Venture durch seine Erfahrung bei professionellen Produktionsprozessen und seinen internationalen Marktzugang hervorragende Entwicklungschancen eröffnet“, so Dr. Jürg Krebser, Geschäftsführer der inspire AG. „Insbesondere die solide Aufstellung und die langfristige Orientierung haben uns für die Zusammenarbeit begeistert.“

Standort bleibt der Campus des inspire IRPD in St. Gallen, auf dem Gelände der Eidgenössischen Materialprüfanstalt EMPA. Damit sollen unter anderem auch der Wissenstransfer und Erfahrungsaustausch im Bereich der Materialforschung zwischen den Kompetenzzentren leicht fortgesetzt werden können. 

Pressemitteilung vom 4.5.2015 

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