Creators, makers, pioneers

Around 13,000 employees, globally active and passionate about innovation — that is the way to achieve both market and technological leadership. We are Körber. Presenting our Group.

To overview

We are Körber

Körber is a leading international technology group that has around 13,000 employees at over 100 locations worldwide. We are the home for entrepreneurs — we turn entrepreneurial thinking into customers success. Körber AG manages the Group and its four Business Areas: Digital, Pharma, Supply Chain and Technologies.


The Körber Insights shows the entire spectrum of the Körber world: We give our view of exciting developments and trends, as well as innovations and technologies. We also highlight personalities who drive Körber forward every day with their entrepreneurial spirit and new ideas.



We develop innovative products, solutions and services for a more sustainable tomorrow and introduce the people who make them possible. Find out more in our Sustainability Report 2023.

Online Sustainability Report 2023PDF Sustainability Report 2023

Körber pursues ambitious climate targets

In October 2023, we had the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) verify our commitment to achieving net-zero CO₂e emissions throughout the entire value chain by 2040. We would like to introduce you to some of the measures that will help us achieve this ambitious goal.

Group-wide standards for Ecodesign

We were able to advance our Ecodesign initiative decisively in 2023 after creating a group-wide standard for life cycle assessments (LCAs). Find out more about the first LCAs we implemented and the challenges we overcame.

Data and infrastructure protection

We aim to transform information security into a strategic objective and make it a shared concern for all employees. We provide an overview of the corresponding measures and projects in 2023.



Wanted: team players. The know-how, creativity, and dedication of our employees have made us a successful technology company in Germany and worldwide. Now we want to shape the future — with you! We offer exciting positions for experts, young professionals, university students, and high school students.

To CareerTo the Körber Group job market

"Modern leadership culture has a performance-enhancing effect"

A working climate that promotes innovation, diversity, and the courage to tell uncomfortable truths is more central than ever to a company's success today. In an interview, Gabriele Fanta, Head of Group Human Resources, explains how the new leadership principles at Körber specifically strengthen fruitful collaboration in everyday working life.

What comes after traineeship, Max?

Experience report: After graduating in mechatronics and mechanical engineering, Max Döring became a trainee at Körber. Today, he is Technical Product Manager at our Körber Business Area Pharma.

Procurement and Supply Chain Management

Procurement and Supply Chain Management

Joint future-proof activities are the foundation of sustainable procurement. Körber, as a globally leading technology group, therefore places great value on the optimal purchasing of materials and services.

To our Procurement and Supply Chain Management

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Körber Group invests in robotics start-up Magazino

Magazino develops and builds perception driven, mobile robots that automate the handling of goods in intralogistics. The start-up's technology solutions enables dynamic warehousing and order picking as well as intelligent material disposition in e-commerce and assembly lines. With the precise access to individual articles, Magazino closes one of the central gaps in the automation of logistics processes. This opens up new opportunities for logistics to make process steps more efficient. With its participation in the start-up company founded in 2014, the Körber Group secures access to this key technology. This includes in particular the software suite that forms the "brain" of the robots. This software suite is designed to allow non-deterministic, perception driven robots to operate in environments that were originally made for humans.

The start-up company's portfolio comprises various robot systems that are used for specific projects. The central development of the Munich specialists is the "TORU" order picking robot. Until now, it was usually only possible to automatically retrieve entire load carriers such as pallets or crates, but "TORU" allows for precise access to individual objects. Thanks to this technology, 2D and 3D cameras can be used to locate and identify individual objects on the shelf, grab them securely and then place them precisely where they are needed. This makes the picking process "Pick-by-Robot" possible for the first time. The intelligent robot works in parallel with the people and delivers the required parts at the right time directly to the assembly line or shipping station.

"The Magazino team has developed real innovations with its robotics solutions that have the potential to make a lasting impact on intralogistics," says Michael Horn, Member of the Executive Board of Körber AG. "The partnership offers decisive added value, in particular for customers of our Business Area Logistics Systems. At the same time, our investment strengthens our position in a competitive market environment. In addition, as part of our digitization initiatives, we will work with the Magazino team to drive forward future-oriented developments."

“We are very pleased about the participation of Körber AG and look forward to working with the Group and its Business Areas," emphasizes Frederik Brantner, co-founder and CEO of Magazino GmbH. We are particularly looking forward to exchanging ideas with the teams of the Business Area Logistics Systems. We will benefit from the experience of our new partner at all levels and thus sustainably continue our growth course."

<LINK file:1646 _blank "internalLinkIcon">Press Release February 27, 2018</link>

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Magazino entwickelt und produziert wahrnehmungsgesteuerte, mobile Roboter, die das Bewegen von Stückgütern in der Intralogistik vollständig automatisieren. Die Technologielösungen des Start-ups ermöglichen eine dynamische Lagerhaltung und Kommissionierung sowie intelligente Materialdisposition im E-Commerce und an Montagelinien. Mit dem stückgenauen Zugriff auf einzelne Artikel schließt Magazino eine der zentralen Lücken in der Automatisierung von Logistikprozessen. So ergeben sich für die Logistik neue Möglichkeiten, um Prozessschritte effizienter zu gestalten. Mit der Beteiligung an dem in 2014 gegründeten Start-up sichert sich der Körber-Konzern Zugang zu dieser Schlüsseltechnologie. Dazu zählt insbesondere die Softwaresuite, welche das „Gehirn“ der Roboter bildet. Diese Softwaresuite dient dazu, nicht-deterministische, also wahrnehmungsgesteuerte, Roboter in für Menschen gemachte Umgebungen agieren zu lassen.

Das Portfolio des Start-ups umfasst verschiedene Roboter-Systeme, die objektspezifisch zum Einsatz kommen. Die zentrale Entwicklung der Münchener Spezialisten ist der Kommissionier-Roboter „TORU“. Konnten bisher meist nur ganze Ladungsträger wie Paletten oder Kisten automatisiert geholt werden, ermöglicht „TORU“ einen stückgenauen Zugriff auf einzelne Objekte. Dank dieser Technologie können über 2D- und 3D-Kameras einzelne Objekte im Regal lokalisiert und identifiziert, sicher gegriffen und schließlich präzise an ihrem Bestimmungsort wieder abgelegt werden. Damit wird das Kommissionier-Verfahren „Pick-by-Robot“ erstmals möglich. Der intelligente Roboter arbeitet parallel zu den Menschen und bringt benötigte Teile zum richtigen Zeitpunkt direkt bis zur Werkbank oder Versandstation.

„Das Magazino-Team hat mit seinen Robotik-Lösungen Innovationen entwickelt, die das Potential haben, die Intralogistik nachhaltig zu verändern“, sagt Michael Horn, Mitglied des Konzernvorstands der Körber AG. „Die Partnerschaft bietet insbesondere für Kunden unseres Geschäftsfelds Logistik-Systeme einen entscheidenden Mehrwert. Gleichzeitig stärken wir mit dem Investment unsere Position in einem kompetitiven Marktumfeld. Zudem werden wir im Rahmen unserer Digitalisierungsinitiativen gemeinsam mit dem Team von Magazino weitere zukunftsweisende Entwicklungen vorantreiben.“

„Wir freuen uns sehr über die Beteiligung der Körber AG und auf die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Konzern und seinen Geschäftsfeldern“, betont Frederik Brantner, Mitgründer und CEO der Magazino GmbH. „Wir sind besonders gespannt auf den Austausch mit den Teams des Geschäftsfelds Logistik-Systeme. Von den Erfahrungen unseres neuen Partners werden wir auf allen Ebenen profitieren und so unseren Wachstumskurs nachhaltig fortsetzen.“

Pressemitteilung 27.02.2018

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