Hamburg, 30.08.2024 – The Supervisory Boards of Körber AG and Körber Technologies GmbH have approved investments totaling more than 200 million euros for a new Körber Technologies GmbH building at Innovation Park Bergedorf. This sets the course for the new site, which is a clear commitment to Hamburg and to Germany as business locations.
With the Supervisory Board decisions, another important step has been taken to ensure that the innovative and future-oriented building construction project moves forward quickly. “I am delighted that, thanks to the positive decisions of both Supervisory Boards, we are another decisive step closer to the new Körber building at Hamburg-Bergedorf’s Innovation Park. The construction of our new site is a clear commitment by Körber to its Business Area Technologies and to Germany as a business location,” said Körber CEO Stephan Seifert.
Jürgen Spykman, Chairman of the Management Board of Körber Technologies GmbH, also emphasizes the importance of the construction project: “The new Körber building will create a modern location where we will continue to deliver on our customer promise of ‘Outperforming Technologies’ in the future. We also offer our employees ideal working conditions in the Innovation Park Bergedorf.”
The new Körber building Hamburg is the first building complex in the new ‘Innovation Park Bergedorf’ in the east of Hamburg. After the district of Bergedorf approved the development plan for the Innovation Park Bergedorf near the Highway 25 at the end of 2023, the conditions for issuing building permits were created. Following the completion of preparatory construction work on the site, construction of the access road that will connect the Curslacker Neuer Deich with the Körber construction site of the new location began in early July.
The new Körber building in Hamburg brings together the previous locations of Körber-Technologies GmbH on Kurt A. Körber Chaussee in Bergedorf and in Schwarzenbek. The modern and sustainable new building comprises almost 50,000 square meters of space, housing administration, development, production and logistics according to the latest standards. The building is scheduled for completion in early 2027.
Uwe Zebrowski, Chairman of the Group Works Council and Chairman of the Works Council of Körber Technologies GmbH, adds: “As employee representatives, it was always important to us that Körber Technologies GmbH retains its headquarters in Bergedorf and offers its employees here a long-term perspective. This has been achieved with the 'Factory of the Future' transformation project as the basis and the go-ahead for the new building in the Bergedorf Innovation Park.”
Press release from 30.08.2024