Creators, makers, pioneers

Around 13,000 employees, globally active and passionate about innovation — that is the way to achieve both market and technological leadership. We are Körber. Presenting our Group.

To overview

We are Körber

Körber is a leading international technology group that has around 13,000 employees at over 100 locations worldwide. We are the home for entrepreneurs — we turn entrepreneurial thinking into customers success. Körber AG manages the Group and its four Business Areas: Digital, Pharma, Supply Chain and Technologies.


The Körber Insights shows the entire spectrum of the Körber world: We give our view of exciting developments and trends, as well as innovations and technologies. We also highlight personalities who drive Körber forward every day with their entrepreneurial spirit and new ideas.



We develop innovative products, solutions and services for a more sustainable tomorrow and introduce the people who make them possible. Find out more in our Sustainability Report 2023.

Online Sustainability Report 2023PDF Sustainability Report 2023

Körber pursues ambitious climate targets

In October 2023, we had the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) verify our commitment to achieving net-zero CO₂e emissions throughout the entire value chain by 2040. We would like to introduce you to some of the measures that will help us achieve this ambitious goal.

Group-wide standards for Ecodesign

We were able to advance our Ecodesign initiative decisively in 2023 after creating a group-wide standard for life cycle assessments (LCAs). Find out more about the first LCAs we implemented and the challenges we overcame.

Data and infrastructure protection

We aim to transform information security into a strategic objective and make it a shared concern for all employees. We provide an overview of the corresponding measures and projects in 2023.



Wanted: team players. The know-how, creativity, and dedication of our employees have made us a successful technology company in Germany and worldwide. Now we want to shape the future — with you! We offer exciting positions for experts, young professionals, university students, and high school students.

To CareerTo the Körber Group job market

"Modern leadership culture has a performance-enhancing effect"

A working climate that promotes innovation, diversity, and the courage to tell uncomfortable truths is more central than ever to a company's success today. In an interview, Gabriele Fanta, Head of Group Human Resources, explains how the new leadership principles at Körber specifically strengthen fruitful collaboration in everyday working life.

What comes after traineeship, Max?

Experience report: After graduating in mechatronics and mechanical engineering, Max Döring became a trainee at Körber. Today, he is Technical Product Manager at our Körber Business Area Pharma.

Procurement and Supply Chain Management

Procurement and Supply Chain Management

Joint future-proof activities are the foundation of sustainable procurement. Körber, as a globally leading technology group, therefore places great value on the optimal purchasing of materials and services.

To our Procurement and Supply Chain Management

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Körber Group remains on track for success

The Körber Group maintained its successful performance in the 2012 financial year. Following the very good previous year, sales were again lifted moderately to over €2.004 billion (2011: €1,943 billion). Profit before tax reached €228 million, meaning that the technology group again topped the previous year (€217 million). Net income came in at €151 million, which was only marginally below the previous year’s record result (2011: €159 million). The return on sales rose to 11.4 percent (2011: 11.2 percent).

“The Körber Group’s strong performance is the result of our rigorous customer focus, our outstanding employees as well as our tremendous dedication and commitment to research & development,” said Richard Bauer, Chairman of the Executive Board of Körber AG, at the Annual Results Press Conference in Hamburg. For example, last year Körber companies once again launched numerous new innovative products and technologies in a wide range of specialist fields. Across the group as a whole, more than 1,000 employees work in the field of research & development.

“We are entitled to be very proud of the 2012 financial year, particularly against the backdrop of the continued unsettled state of international markets,” said Chief Financial Officer Stephan Seifert. In addition to the strong figures, the Körber Group in the year 2012 as well as during the first few months of 2013 also achieved a great deal in terms of the further development of the portfolio:

  • In June 2012 the Körber Group further expanded the attractive business field of intralogistics with its acquisition of the Aberle companies. Aberle is a leading supplier of automation and control technology solutions for industrial and logistics plants deployed in many sectors. Körber already has a successful company specializing in transport and palletizing solutions in the form of Langhammer GmbH. Aberle is an ideal addition to Körber’s existing portfolio.

  • With its acquisition of the LTi Group in February 2013 Körber further extended its expertise in the cutting-edge field of automation. LTi has great potential here as a technologically-advanced company which is already well-established in the market. The innovative LTi products are deployed inter alia in the fields of medical and energy technology as well as in the field of mechanical engineering.

“Our latest corporate acquisitions excellently complement our existing activities in industries as varied as tobacco, automotive, aviation, tissue and pharmaceuticals. Together with Aberle and LTi we will be able to seize additional growth opportunities, especially in international markets,” said Bauer.

The 1st quarter of 2013 proved to be in line with expectations. For the year 2013 as a whole the outlook for the Körber Group is positive.

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Die Körber-Gruppe hat im Geschäftsjahr 2012 ihre erfolgreiche Entwicklung fortgesetzt. Nach dem sehr guten Vorjahr konnte der Umsatz noch einmal leicht auf über 2,004 Mrd. € (2011: 1,943 Mrd. €) gesteigert werden. Auch beim Ergebnis vor Steuern konnte der Technologiekonzern mit 228 Mio. € das Vorjahr (217 Mio. €) leicht übertreffen. Der Jahresüberschuss lag mit 151 Mio. € nur geringfügig unter dem Rekordergebnis des Vorjahres (2011: 159 Mio. €). Die Umsatzrendite stieg auf 11,4 Prozent (2011: 11,2 Prozent). 
„Die gute Entwicklung der Körber-Gruppe ist das Ergebnis unserer konsequenten Kundenorientierung, unserer hervorragenden Mitarbeiter sowie unserem hohen Engagement in Forschung & Entwicklung“, sagte Richard Bauer, Vorstandsvorsitzender der Körber AG, im Rahmen der Bilanzpressekonferenz in Hamburg. So haben die Körber-Unternehmen auch im vergangenen Jahr wieder zahlreiche neue innovative Produkte und Technologien in ganz unterschiedlichen Branchen auf den Markt gebracht. Konzernweit arbeiten mehr als 1.000 Mitarbeiter in Forschung & Entwicklung.

„Wir können mit dem Geschäftsjahr 2012 gerade vor dem Hintergrund der anhaltenden Verunsicherung auf den internationalen Märkten sehr zufrieden sein“, sagte Finanzvorstand Stephan Seifert. Dies gelte nicht nur mit Blick auf die guten Zahlen. Auch bei der Weiterentwicklung des Portfolios habe die Körber-Gruppe im Jahr 2012 sowie in den ersten Monaten des Jahres 2013 viel erreicht: 

  • Im Juni 2012 hat die Körber-Gruppe mit dem Zukauf der Aberle-Unternehmen das attraktive Geschäftsfeld Intralogistik weiter ausgebaut. Aberle ist ein führender Anbieter von Automatisierungs- und Steuerungstechniklösungen für Industrie- und Logistikanlagen, die in vielen Branchen zum Einsatz kommen. Mit der Langhammer GmbH verfügt der Konzern bereits über ein auf Transport- und Palettierlösungen spezialisiertes erfolgreiches Unternehmen. Aberle ist hierzu eine ideale Ergänzung des Portfolios.
  • Mit dem Zukauf der LTi-Gruppe im Februar 2013 hat Körber die Kompetenzen in dem zukunftsträchtigen Geschäftsfeld Automation erweitert. LTi bietet hierfür als technologisch sehr gut aufgestelltes und am Markt etabliertes Unternehmen hervorragende Möglichkeiten. Die innovativen LTi-Produkte kommen u.a. in den Bereichen Medizin- und Energietechnik sowie dem Maschinenbau zum Einsatz.

„Unsere jüngsten Unternehmen ergänzen unsere vorhandenen Aktivitäten in so unterschiedlichen Industrien wie Tabak, Automobil, Luftfahrt, Tissue und Pharma sehr gut. Gemeinsam mit Aberle und LTi werden wir zusätzliche Wachstumschancen, insbesondere auch in den internationalen Märkten, nutzen können“, so Bauer.
Das 1. Quartal 2013 verlief erwartungsgemäß. Für das Gesamtjahr 2013 geht der Körber-Konzern von einem positiven Ausblick aus.

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