The total transaction volume of 600 million euros as of 28 June 2022 was placed with maturities of 5, 7 and 10 years and exceeded the originally announced volume of 300 million euros by double.
"The great interest shown by investors in this financing round is a renewed proof of trust in our strategy, which is geared towards sustained long-term growth," said Stefan Kirschke, Chief Financial Officer of the Körber Group.
Already end of November 2020, Körber was able to place a Schuldschein loan in the amount of 400 million euros in a market environment that was also quite challenging at the time. With the Schuldschein loan now placed, Körber is well equipped for further acquisitions and growth activities.
The Schuldschein loan issue was arranged by DZ BANK AG Deutsche Zentral-Genossenschaftsbank Frankfurt am Main, Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen Girozentrale and Landesbank Baden-Württemberg.
Press release from 29 June 2022