Nearly 10,000 employees work for us all over the world. They include mechanical engineers, business economists, IT experts, and specialists in the areas of human resources, legal affairs, procurement, and many more. All of them are committed to ensuring the success of our customers, and thus also the success of the Körber Group, in their daily work — every single day.
Through the close cooperation of a wide variety of professions, they generate what defines Körber: innovation. The diversity of these jobs also shows how our business operations are continuously developing and changing.
For decades, the Körber brand has stood for top-quality machine and plant engineering. This is where our Group has its strong roots. For a number of years now, we have been expanding our software and digital expertise in all of our Business Areas. Thanks to our proficiency in the area of high-performance technology, we play a leading role in all the sectors in which we have customers. Industry 4.0 and digitization offer us ideal opportunities to strengthen and expand this position.
The process of digital advancement not only makes new products, services, and business models possible — it is also introducing entirely new opportunities for qualification and new job profiles.